i am HOT! bcoz aku dipakse PINDAH! huhuu dah lah tgh dgr HOT.fm!
2. upload a fav pic of you

3. why do u like this picture?
taken by k'zai :) chantik kan aku. hakahakkk. i like it bcoz it so peaceful.aman.damai.tenang. Chantik gambar ni~ (gambar ini masa tgh penat ni)
4. when was the last time u ate pizza?
Y pizza? nape tak KFC ke McD ke nasi ayam ke teh o laici ke (hmmm sdpnye) Pak Li Kopitiam ker? not sure... 1 month before puase kot.
5. the last song u listen too?
>>Lucky<< Jason Mraz ft. Colbie Caillat
really luv tiz song... dah dgr entah brp kali pun not sure. walaupun ianya tiada kene mengena ngan idup gue. i juz luv it! music dia best (dh naik benanah telinga liz dgr, heheh soli beb!)
6. what are u doing right now besides this
settlekan my 'bebanan kerja' utk membina kerjaya. huhuu :(
7. what name u prefer besides yours?
errr... urrr... nurul ain?! wahhkakakkaa so NOT ME! taklah, im ok with my name. SEDAP dah.
8. 5 people to tag
1. kak zai
2. liz
3. farah
4. aza
5. dodol
9. who is no.1
some1 with very good heart! luv u kak. muahh2
10. no.3 is having relationship with?
hahahaa... ahmad zaharin. God please bless them
11. say something about no.5
outsider. but i trust him! for now lah, hehehe
12. how about no.4?
my school mate. byk bnd kami rahsiakan (senyum jahat)
13. who is no.2
my officemate. my fren. kami pun ada byk rahsia 2gether-coffee machine beb! hehee ;p
yg soalan nombor sa2 pn aku dh gelak gile!!
SAIKO tul ko nih!!hehehe..
Saya sungguh terharu nie dengan pujian andah!! (meleleh-leleh air mata and air hidung) hahaha.. tak de maknenyerrrrr..
Ayin... tak kan baru tau si angah tuh saiko.. bukan takat saiko je dah.. tahap gaban gila babas nyer kapla screw loose tak hengat dah nie!!!
btw..miss u guys!!uhukk...
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